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Silver flowing garments, caressed by a warm sea breeze, reveal a candid, smooth, and fragrant skin. Long hair, as thin as strands of wheat in the sun, conceals a face with delicate, symmetrical, perfect features. Daisies and tulips bloom upon contact with the spring garment. Everything seems to have stopped. The melody of the waves gently turning into land is the only distraction from the view of a breathtaking gulf. The attentive gaze seems to assess the value of all nature, the fragility of humans, the profound relationship that unites and governs the movement of the entire cosmos.

The only one capable of making the impossible possible, of turning night into day, of illuminating the darkness, of guaranteeing a certain path in the abyss of uncertainty.

Perhaps it’s not real, perhaps it’s all imagination, perhaps it’s only the fruit of human hope, but what it represents, what it was born for, what it is venerated for is real, deep, and eternal.

Sister of Helios, the Sun, and Eos, the Dawn, she is the personification of the full moon. Temples have been dedicated to her since time immemorial, ceremonies are celebrated in her honor, vows are offered, and intimate requests for help are submitted.

Accompanied by a perpetually burning torch, she illuminates humanity’s path during moments of profound uncertainty, dispels doubts, sweeps away hesitations, making the path to follow safe. Always depicted by a small sliver of white marble in the shape of a crescent moon, this Goddess becomes corporeal, becomes real, becomes Luni.



Created for a Goddess, conceived by a celestial body, animated by blood made of stone and warmed by colors as vivid as the dawn, Luni is the right companion when every event seems insurmountable, when even marble can afford to melt and become fluid and flowing.

Luni is a classic and elegant Saddle Bag, capable of transferring the ability to raise the most impetuous emotional tides as well as calming the most tempestuous spirits.

The worship of the Goddess represents such an important phase for the Etruscan and Roman populations that it even inspired the foundation of a city. Luni thus becomes also a safe harbor, a thriving gulf dedicated entirely to marble and to a specific type of marble, the Lunense marble, now known as Apuan or Carrara marble.



Heavy and majestic, indeed marble was difficult to extract, and that of the “quarryman” was a very risky job, then as now. The stone was cut by hand with mallets and chisels, trying to exploit the natural veins of the rock. Wedges were inserted into the fissures thus created, which, when watered, assisted the stone in detaching from the side of the mountain.

Marble is a stone that can present itself in the most unexpected guises, just like personalities. From classic white, where veins and different patterns are found, to shades of red, green, black, yellow, gray, pink, and purple. The veins are long and sinuous, easily traversing the stone, depicting sought-after and elegant characteristics conferred to every application.

They originate from the metamorphic process of elements and minerals, which are recrystallized due to high temperatures and unbearable pressures. This is the process that leads to the transformation of rock into marble. Thus, colors become representations of splendor, brilliance as well as solidity and sophistication.

Thanks to the sacrifice and perseverance of its master craftsmen, Vodivì manages to animate a hard, cold, and heavy material, and transform it into a soft, warm, and graceful creation capable of reminding every day that even the seemingly most inaccessible rock can be reached and shaped.

They originate from the metamorphic process of elements and minerals, which are recrystallized due to high temperatures and unbearable pressures. This is the process that leads to the transformation of rock into marble. Thus, colors become representations of splendor, brilliance as well as solidity and sophistication.

Thanks to the sacrifice and perseverance of its master craftsmen, Vodivì manages to animate a hard, cold, and heavy material, and transform it into a soft, warm, and graceful creation capable of reminding every day that even the seemingly most inaccessible rock can be reached and shaped.


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