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It’s a warm midsummer night, the sea supports a faint flame, nimble and hasty, which swiftly glides over the foamy waves. It seems impatient to reach the mainland, still unfortunately too distant. The sea flows fast, and slowly the coast begins to be visible, enriched by pine forests, olive trees, and oleanders. The dense Mediterranean vegetation that skirts the beach begins to be illuminated by a similar light, quick and eager. Every plant, every small nocturnal animal is first illuminated, then surpassed, and finally left again in darkness.

Sensing the change of colors, the small marine flame accelerates breathlessly, beyond the waves, beyond the rocks and the winds, overcoming every obstacle, without fear. The beach is now close. Finally, it sees it. After so much time spent apart, after so much time when every moment was eternal and unbearable.

The forest and the sea return once again to darkness. The beach becomes instead the stage for an explosion of colors, for a passionate dance of two small flames, once forced into distance now reunited in a burning, indissoluble, deep, and warm fire like the heart of the earth. They embrace again today, for only one night a year, until the sunrise, when once they were young shepherds, once happy lovers and promised spouses, now they are two souls, two sparks eager to be together.

Legend has it that the young man, torn away by war, was treacherously killed in battle. The news plunged the poor girl into the deepest despair, and after running on the slopes of the mountains, above the sea, where she had walked so many times with her betrothed, she began to cry. Every tear thus became a flower never seen before, a beautiful and fragrant flower.



From the fading of the lights until the first ray of dawn, in the fraction of time when only the silent complicity of the night becomes the witness of the deepest encounters. This is the moment when Giunchiglia sets all feelings free, the moment when everything can become possible.

The lines of Giunchiglia deliver a timeless, sought-after, and unchanging Clutch, classic and elegant, born from the indissoluble fruit of two twin souls.

At its feet, two small triangles, two mirrored flames, reflecting each other, perpetually facing the same goal, the majestic result of the most striking terrestrial forces, the product of the miracle of pressure pushed directly from the depths’ bowels, marble.



Heavy and majestic, indeed marble was difficult to extract, and that of the “quarryman” was a very risky job, then as now. The stone was cut by hand with mallets and chisels, trying to exploit the natural veins of the rock. Wedges were inserted into the fissures thus created, which, when watered, assisted the stone in detaching from the side of the mountain.

Marble is a stone that can present itself in the most unexpected guises, just like personalities. From classic white, where veins and different patterns are found, to shades of red, green, black, yellow, gray, pink, and purple. The veins are long and sinuous, easily traversing the stone, depicting sought-after and elegant characteristics conferred to every application.

They originate from the metamorphic process of elements and minerals, which are recrystallized due to high temperatures and unbearable pressures. This is the process that leads to the transformation of rock into marble. Thus, colors become representations of splendor, brilliance as well as solidity and sophistication.

Thanks to the sacrifice and perseverance of its master craftsmen, Vodivì manages to animate a hard, cold, and heavy material, and transform it into a soft, warm, and graceful creation capable of reminding every day that even the seemingly most inaccessible rock can be reached and shaped.

They originate from the metamorphic process of elements and minerals, which are recrystallized due to high temperatures and unbearable pressures. This is the process that leads to the transformation of rock into marble. Thus, colors become representations of splendor, brilliance as well as solidity and sophistication.

Thanks to the sacrifice and perseverance of its master craftsmen, Vodivì manages to animate a hard, cold, and heavy material, and transform it into a soft, warm, and graceful creation capable of reminding every day that even the seemingly most inaccessible rock can be reached and shaped.


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