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Roses from Mount Subasio

Caressed by the waters of the Nera River, immersed in the wild nature of the hilly landscapes, the slopes of Mount Subasio represent a magical setting where ancient divine loves intertwine among centuries-old trees and crystalline streams. In this enchanted realm, amidst silent ruins and hidden paths, eternal love finds its dwelling, dancing through the folds of time with heavenly harmony.

“Nera: Roses of Mount Subasio” draws inspiration from the authenticity of the Umbrian territory, which preserves every trace of the past like a precious treasure, rich in art, culture, and faith.

A pride of this land, a charm of nature, the exclusive daughter of an imposing height that bestows her name, the Pink Stone of Mount Subasio is a rocky material of soft color capable of evoking harmony and sweetness. Expertly crafted by Vodivì artisans who, with passion and precision, refine ancient working techniques, creating small masterpieces of rare beauty capable of enveloping the soul and reassuring the heart.