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A triumphant display of millennia-old history, of imposing and suggestive art, of passionate and vibrant culture; a temple of past civilization; a manifesto of ethereal breathtaking beauty. Every step along its streets, every corner of its alleys, every monument in its squares, every sunset that bathes it, stirs the soul of those who traverse it, evoking emotions of indescribable depth.

Impera: “Grains of Rome” praises the eternal city, celebrating its imperial age. An era of splendor and magnificence, where life was rich in contrasts, but also in ardent desire and fervor.

The past merges with the present, beauty blends with passion; Rome, a sensual and romantic land, enchants the heart and fascinates the mind, bestowing the emotion of a timeless embrace.

Among the treasures it holds, Rome preserves the traditional goldsmith technique of granulation, an expression of identity and culture, a testament to artistry and precision. Executed with skill and precision by the craftsmen of Vodivì, who refine ancient processing methods, giving life to precious creations destined to shine forever.