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On a warm Venetian afternoon in late June of 1678, in the silence of a classroom, echoed the voice of a young woman. Her voice sought to provide an answer to the meaning of life, reason, knowledge, values, and the mind. It was the voice of the first woman to graduate in history.

Crossing the threshold of the realm of knowledge and discovery, she found a battlefield for her dreams, but also a place where her determination would challenge every obstacle. Her luminous mind shone like a star in the darkness, illuminating the path for all other women who dreamed of following in her footsteps.

Her heart resonated with passion, and her mind burned with desire as she embraced the challenge with grace and strength.

And so, her love for knowledge turned into a flame that illuminated the world, a beacon of hope for those who dreamed of changing their destiny.

Today, her name shines like a constellation in the night sky, a symbol of courage, determination, and love for knowledge.

Sometimes intention hides the predisposition to still unconscious attitudes that generate a leap from innate nature to conscious experience. Awareness of the apparent difficulties, linked to a path hitherto unexplored, is the stimulus that prompted the creation of Prima, tangible proof that the mere fact that “no one has done it yet” should never be an insurmountable obstacle.



Dense and authoritative, confident and determined, Prima becomes the daily reminder to constantly confirm the deserved success.

The relationship between circle and sky, between square and earth, is equivalent to associating spirit and matter, equivalent to finding a seemingly insurmountable perfect correspondence, yet really achievable. From this continuous conflict, stable equilibriums are generated.

Prima is a Handbag that, with the nature of its style, rises as a symbol of continuity and perfection, a tribute to the beauty of continuous passion for the satisfaction of curiosity.

Glass and pigments thus become ingredients of a mixture composed of colors and perspectives. The long and delicate fusion process generates, thanks to meticulous craftsmanship and manual skill, infinite breathtaking artistic expressions.

Murano Glass

Through the ancient technique of Murano glassmaking, the vitreous material was skillfully worked by expert glassmakers and brought to its melting point. The process was slow and meticulous; depending on the size and thickness of the surface as well as the type of glass composing it, the fusion times could extend for several days. This was so that the mass gradually became less viscous and solidified to then express itself in the desired form.

A glassy fabric came to life, generating colorful plays, three-dimensional shapes, and decorations, causing a surprising movement of depth.

With courage and curiosity, the master craftsmen of Vodivì challenged the rules of the past and optimized the procedures of ancient processing techniques, making them more attractive and precious. The goal of innovating tradition thus allows achieving spectacular reflections of light never seen before.

A glassy fabric came to life, generating colorful plays, three-dimensional shapes, and decorations, causing a surprising movement of depth.

With courage and curiosity, the master craftsmen of Vodivì challenged the rules of the past and optimized the procedures of ancient processing techniques, making them more attractive and precious. The goal of innovating tradition thus allows achieving spectacular reflections of light never seen before.


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